Smart Contract
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The smart contract is deployed on Kovan test network at this address : 0x
It can interact with the ChainlinkClient and it is Keeper Compatible. This means that it allows retrieval of datas from a Chainlink Node and automates some contracts functionalities.
Ocean Storm smart contract has several major functionalities :
SubcribePolicy() : allows people to subscribe to an Ocean Storm policy
PricePremium() : Calculate the premium price (hardcoded)
CalculateThreshold() : Calculate the gust threshold policy holder (hardcoded)
UpdateContracts() : Keepers will update policy parameters, request weather data from the node and pay out if a claim is detected
ReceiveWeatherData() : Allow Chainlink to fullfil weather datas and compare them to the policy gust threshold
HasIncident() : Depending on weather data, it should state if a policy is at claim or not
PayOut() : should pay out the policy holder if a claim is detected
CheckUpKeep() / PerformKeep() : Keepers functions that activate UpdateContracts() every X hours (X is set by governance)
Set functions() : allow governance to set up protocol parameters
Get functions() : allow anyone to get information about the protocol parameters and their policies subscribed